Furthermore, the Institute for Linguistics is involved in the MA program Cultures and Languages of the Mediterranean, an interdisciplinary degree program jointly offered by 13 institutions of the Faculty of Humanities, under the leading responsibility of Romance Philology, that integrates subjects on language, history, culture, geography, politics and social affairs with an areal focus on the Mediterranean region. The Institute for Linguistics exports courses and modules to the BA programs Greek Philology and Latin Philology and Digital Humanities.
Studying Linguistics

This website has been created by the students of General Linguistics in Göttingen; they probably know very well what you would like to know.
Mailing lists
Mailing list of the BA/MA programs
Messages about relevant events for students, e.g., alumni meetings about perspectives after studying linguistics, exciting social events, e.g., Christmas parties, announcements of student jobs at the Institute for Linguistics, interesting tutorials on key skills, openings for student exchange programmes (e.g., erasmus) or information about possibilities for practice stays in different institutions, announcements for student conferences and summer schools or other relevant activities at the University of Göttingen.
FG Sprawi
Communication with the students' group: representatives of the study programs of general linguistics in Göttingen.
LinG mailing list
Join Linguistics in Göttingen! List for the members of the linguistics in Göttingen (students are very welcome): messages about talks at Linguistics in Göttingen, information about job openings, announcements of summer schools, relevant projects, events and activities of the linguists in Göttingen.
Linguists enjoy communication! Besides the information that you find in our websites, it is always useful to have personal communication with the people at the institute - both before deciding to study linguistics in Göttingen as well as during the studies. They will be glad to discuss with you more about linguistics in general, the contents of our programmes or your personal interests in particular, or to help you to select a subject of studies or to create an appropriate studies plan. You may contact the Linguistics Office (contact details in the right menu) for further information, directions, and contacts.