In publica commoda

Notice on data protection for online-in person central course evaluation

The regulations concerning quality management in the Department of Teaching and Learning and course evaluations at Göttingen University (QMO-SL, 2025) provide the legal basis for the conduction of course evaluations. Course evaluations serve as an instrument for a continuous quality advancement of academic teaching. It also promotes a constructive dialogue between students and lecturers and may be used by lecturers in procedures of staff development.

1. Voluntariness:
Student participation in the central course evaluation is voluntary.
2. Anonymity:
Course evaluations are conducted with the evaluation software EvaSys. All assessments given by the students are recorded and processed without a link to their person: personal information necessary for the conduction of the evaluation (student e-mail address) in Stud.IP are matched to a randomly generated TAN in EvaSys during the evaluation process. The online questionnaire by EvaSys which you are asked to fill out only saves the answers you have given in the process of the evaluation itself, which are not matched to the TAN. This ensures that personal information remains unaffiliated with the questionnaire data. Stud.IP does not record or save if or how a student has taken part in the evaluation process.
3. Designated use:
All evaluation results are used only in adherence with the purposes indicated in QMO-SL. The individual reports for the lecturers do not contain any information on socio-demographic factors. QMO-SL has designated a minimum return of six individuals to ensure the adherence to data protection regulations. The compilation of a report below this minimum return number is only possible with explicit consent from every student. It is however theoretically possible to draw retrospective conclusions regarding your person after survey completion. Göttingen University ensures you that it will not deploy this method. The publication of the results will occur in anonymised form only.
4. Free text in the questionnaire:
Please make sure that you do not reveal your identity when filling out the free text in the questionnaire.
5. Period of record keeping:
The data recorded and processed during course evaluation will be deleted after having served their purpose of survey, at the latest after 6 years.
6. Rights of participants:
You have the right to obtain information regarding the data on your person as it is recorded by Göttingen University and/or to correct falsely recorded information (§§ 15f DSGVO). Furthermore, you have the right to demand a de-registration or restriction of data processing (§§ 17f DSGVO) and a right of objection against data processing (§ 21 DSGVO).
7. Contact:
To exercise your rights, please contact your data protection administrator, E-Mail.