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    9th Hildesheim-Göttingen-Workshop on CL and DH

    26th to 27th February 2020
    Topic: "Digital Literary Sciences"


    READ MORE  about this and previous workshops

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    Ausstellung "Methoden der Digital Humanities"

    Kulturwissenschaftliches Zentrum

    Heinrich-Düker-Weg 14

    15.10. bis 20.11.2019


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    Study DH in Göttingen

    DH in the MSc program applied computer science or in the MA program of the humanities faculty


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    Digital History

    Konzepte, Methoden und Kritiken digitaler Geschichtswissenschaften.

     (Tagung verschoben! Neuer Termin 1.-3.3.2021)


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    Objekte im Kreuzverhör

    Objects under Cross-Examination

    E-Learning Platform Digital Archaeology



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The Göttingen Centre for Digital Humanities (GCDH)

GCDH is the cross-faculty institution of the Georg-August-Universität Göttingen that coordinates, carries out, and further develops research, teaching, and infrastructure activities at the Göttingen Research Campus in the field of Digital Humanities.

Digital Humanities (DH) is an area of research, teaching, and development concerned with the intersection of computing and the various disciplines of the Humanities. In Göttingen, DH is understood more broadly to also include the Social Sciences, Economic Sciences, and Law.