Virtual Networking Dinner - Establish key contacts to blaze your own trail!
One of the key components of WoCaNet is the Networking Dinner held every year at the end of the symposium, where students and early career researchers can network and engage with the speakers in a more relaxed and personal setting. In a time when it is extremely difficult to meet new people, we have created a welcoming “rooftop networking space” in, where we can relax and take part in fun activities, as well as interact with other attendees in an informal environment.
During the dinner, selected participants will have the opportunity to exchange ideas and opinions, learn from shared experiences, discuss future career plans, and establish important contacts. We hope that, in this personalized environment, you will be able to ask the questions you have always wanted to ask, but never actually had the chance to.
The Networking Dinner will be held between 19:00 and 21:00 h on May 27, 2021. After a short icebreaker activity, participants will attend a speed dating session with the speakers, followed by time for informal conversation. The networking dinner will end with a pub quiz hosted by the WoCaNet organizing team. Although the networking dinner officially ends at 21:00 h, the exclusive "rooftop networking space" will remain open for those who want to continue talking or playing games.

© WoCaNet 2021