Dear International Students,
welcome to the Faculty of Humanities!

We welcome international students from all around the world in our colorful and diverse Faculty annually. And of course we are glad that you have decided to spend your stay abroad at our Faculty and become a part of it!

A lot of things need to be taken into consideration for a successful stay abroad since we want your stay to turn out as productive and fortunate as possible.
This website shall help you to plan ahead - it contains the necessary key information and a list of relevant contact persons.

In the right column you find all the most important information about the organization of your stay and your study plan.

We advise you on all questions about:

  • Organization of your stay in Göttingen
  • Courses and schedule planning for exchange students (e.g. Erasmus+, Partnership Programme)
  • Visa and official paperwork
  • Help at the start of your studies
  • Don`t hesitate to contact us if there are further questions!

    We are happy to advise you by e-mail or in person via video and telephone.
    A face-to-face consultation is possible on request and by prior arrangement. Please send an appointment request to

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    Statement of the Faculty of Humanities: We are colorful and diverse.

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