Examination Office

Dear students,

our English website is currently being revised, so a lot of content is not available.

In the meantime, please have a look at the German website. If you have any questions or queries, please contact us directly.

Your WiWi Examination Office


to the homepage of the Economic Sciences Examination Office of the University of Göttingen.

We are responsible for all exam-related questions for the bachelor's and master's degree programmes of the Faculty. Your first point of contact is our team at the Info-Point during our office hours.

In the upper- and right-hand navigation areas, we have provided links to useful information, such as the examination regulations or forms (application for receiving a certificate).

Important announcements and changes can be found under the menu item News.

We can gladly advise you on the following examination-related questions:

  • Examination regulations (course registration, deadlines, improvement of grades)
  • FlexNow system (registering and unregistering from an exam)
  • Final theses
  • Prerequisites
  • Applications to the examination committee (cases of hardship, compensation for a disadvantage)
  • Grades / credits for courses
  • Intra-university transfers (assessing which semester to enrol in)
  • Certificates
  • Organization of compulsory exams in the bachelor's programme

  • We wish you a successful process in earning your degree.

    Your WiWi Examination Office Team