Decentralised quality management
Decentralised quality management
Decentralised quality management (dQM) at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science
Goals and procedures
The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science implements a systematic, decentralised quality management (dQM) framework within its academic programs, aligning with the values and standards outlined in the mission statement for the University of Göttingen and in the mission statement for teaching and learning at the University of Göttingen. The primary objective of this initiative is to ensure the continuous enhancement of the quality of its degree programs. The Faculty has adopted a decentralised approach to programme development, involving both teaching staff and the student body through various channels, most notably the Quality Rounds and Committees of Study Affairs.
This website is dedicated to exploring the particulars of this decentralised quality management within the Department of Mathematics.
Cluster formation
The degree programmes of the Department of Mathematics are grouped together in the Mathematics cluster due to their close subject proximity. The degree programmes in the cluster jointly undergo the dQM.
- Mathematics (B.Sc.)
- Mathematics (2-subject-B.A.)
- Mathematics (M.Sc.)
- Mathematical Data Science (B.Sc.)
- Mathematical Sciences (Dr.rer.nat./Ph.D.)
The faculty's decentralised quality management (dQM) oversees the subject-specific and didactic components of the teacher training degree programmes, while the educational science components are supervised as part of the dQM of the Central Scientific Institution for Teacher Education (ZEWIL).
Quality Round
The Quality Round constitutes a regular screening and assessment procedure for the degree programmes of the Department of Mathematics. The results of instruments, sources and experiences are classified, and a target/actual comparison is carried out with regard to the subject-related criteria of the Lower Saxony StudAkkVO, specified by the university's own content-related assessment criteria. The "Guidelines and criteria for the accreditation of doctoral degree programmes in Lower Saxony" of the Lower Saxony Ministry of Science and Culture (MWK), and recommendations for the qualitative further development of studies, teaching and supporting services are developed and made.
The Quality Round meets at least once a year. The Dean of Studies is responsible for the specific schedule. Every significant change to a (partial) degree programme is prepared by a quality review. As a rule, all criteria are addressed and evaluated annually in the Quality Round.
The Quality Round is organised in the format of a delegate model. The delegates are appointed by the faculty board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science on the recommendation of the members of the respective status groups. The delegates have the opportunity to gain an overview of the group members' current assessments of the degree programmes, e.g. through meetings or surveys. Other participants in the quality round are the members of the Committee of Study Affairs, the programme representatives and the Mathematics Study Officer. In addition, other students from the degree programmes of the Department of Mathematics or members of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science involved in the implementation of these degree programmes may participate in the Quality Round. Also involved in the Quality Round are Decentralised Equal Opportunities Officers of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science and, if applicable, representatives according to § 3 para. 1 sentence 3 NHG. Members of the Presidential Board, members of the Dean's Office of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science. Representatives of the Department of Studies and Teaching are involved on their initiative.
The involvement of external referees from academic disciplines and professional practice, as well as students, typically occurs in the final year prior to the central assessment. It is noteworthy that the same external referees are involved for all degree programmes within the Mathematics cluster. It is ensured that external referees are able to comment on all criteria. Furthermore, students participating in the Quality Round will have a seperate meeting with the external referees.
The Quality Round is prepared by the Dean of Studies for Mathematics and the Mathematics Study Officer, with the participation of representatives of all status groups. With regard to a subject-related criterion, it can be determined by mutual agreement that this criterion is fulfilled and does not require a separate discussion within the Quality Round.
Finally, the Quality Round is responsible for the continuous development and reflection of the dQM with regard to study quality.
Should there be a divergence of opinion within the Quality Round regarding a given criterion, or if measures are to be implemented or foregone against the votes of all representatives of a status group in the Quality Round or the Committee of Study Affairs, this must be documented in the minutes of the Quality Round or the Committee of Study Affairs. Decisions in these cases shall be made by the faculty board. Should the decision be made against the votes of the members of a status group, these members are entitled to request a discussion with the member of the Presidential Board responsible for the area of study and teaching.
The outcomes and recommendations of the Quality Round are documented in minutes.
Control loop for decentralised further development
The Dean of Studies in Mathematics shall ensure that results and recommendations of the Quality Round are forwarded to the responsible Committee of Study Affairs and, if necessary, to other persons responsible for a subject area affected by the recommendations. As a rule, recommendations for the implementation of measures developed within the framework of a Quality Round are validated, if necessary after further elaboration, by the Dean of Studies in Mathematics and the Mathematics Committee of Study Affairs adopting them as their own. In instances where a measure developed on the basis of the dQM cannot be implemented within the area of responsibility of the Mathematics Department, the Dean of Studies in Mathematics will make the necessary arrangements. If these do not lead to success and if the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science is still convinced that the measure should be implemented, even in view of any reasons given to the contrary, the Dean of Studies in Mathematics shall inform the member of the Presidential Board responsible for Studies and Teaching. For measures undertaken in accordance with the dQM, the Dean of Studies in Mathematics or the Mathematics Study Commission is responsible for defining the implementation of these measures, including establishing implementation deadlines and, in most cases, a procedure for evaluating the measures. The Dean of Studies in Mathematics oversees the regular monitoring of the implementation status of these measures.The control loop of decentralised further development is closed with the subsequent implementation of the Quality Round.
The decision on the dQM and its amendment is made by the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the suggestion of the study commissions. The latter can, among other things, use the reflections of the quality round on the functionality and effectiveness of the dQM with regard to study quality./p>Data collection and survey instruments
Evaluation of the courses by the students
Every semester, all courses offered by the Department of Mathematics are included in the evaluation.
The questionnaires do not contain any faculty-specific questions for courses in the Department of Mathematics.
Evaluation of degree programmes by graduates
The questionnaires do not contain any faculty-specific questions for degree programmes in the Department of Mathematics.
Regular surveys at decentralised level
Student survey as part of the accreditation of study programmes
The Department of Mathematics conducts a survey of students on the Mathematics (B.Sc., 2-subject B.A., M.Sc.) and Mathematical Data Science (B.Sc.) degree programmes in order to draw conclusions about the quality of the degree programme - based on the university's own content-related assessment criteria - and to implement development measures if necessary.
Students are surveyed at least once between two central assessments, usually in the summer semester. The survey is usually questionnaire-based in an online format.
The Mathematics Study Office is responsible for designing the questionnaire and conducting the survey. Participation is voluntary. The results of the survey are summarised by the Mathematics Office. The Mathematics Quality Round receives summarised results. If fewer than 30 students from a degree programme have taken part in the student survey, the results for this degree programme will not be evaluated independently.
Documentation and communication
The results of the dQM, an overview of the measures taken as a result of the dQM and a schedule of the Quality Round are made publicly available in the StudIP forum ""Forum for Students of Mathematics and Computer Science"". An exemplary overview of completed measures (German only) in the Department of Mathematics is available.
At the Department of Mathematics the first Quality Round met in 2018. Five further meetings of the Quality Round followed, including one (winter semester 2023/24) with the participation of external experts. In addition, an extraordinary meeting took place in summer semester 2024. An overview of the previous and future schedule can be found here.
The Quality Round is informed about the respective implementation status of the measures and the schedule of the quality rounds at each meeting.
The documents and results of the dQM are made available in the central document management system (login required, access only permitted within the university network) to the extent required for the proper implementation of the central procedure. This also includes dQM activities carried out, in particular the documentation of quality rounds and development measures derived with regard to the degree programmes. Evidence of the fulfilment of requirements is provided.
The Faculty Board of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science adopted the faculty concept for decentralised quality management (German only) in its current version on 28 August 2024.
All members of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science are cordially invited to actively participate in the further development of degree programmes and of the study environment. Concerns and suggestions for the dQM and, in particular, the Quality Round can be addressed at any time to the Office of the Dean of Studies for Mathematics (see Contact). Alternatively, members of the faculty can contact the delegates of their status group (list of current delegates of the Quality Round). Students are also encouraged to engage with the respective representatives within the Student Representative Council for Mathematics and Computer Science.
Contact and responsibilites
The persons responsible for dQM in the Department of Mathematics are the Dean of Studies Mathematics and the Mathematics Study Officer.
Study Office Mathematics
+49 551 39-27785