Teaching sustainability topics across faculties

We are involved in cross-faculty teaching development on the topic of sustainability and support the qualitative improvement of theory and practice through networking in close cooperation with the Green Office, the Student and Academic Services as well as teachers and students.

Round Table "Teaching sustainability together across faculties"

On Teaching Day, November 2022, a round table on the topic of “Teaching sustainability together across faculties” was launched. The initiators Simone Pfeiffer (CBL), Marco Lange (Green Office), Claudia Faust (Student and Academic Services, Key Competencies) discussed with lecturers, deans of studies, study program coordinators and students key questions such as:
  • Is the topic of sustainability sufficiently visible in our university's teaching?
  • Does every student have the opportunity to deal with the topic of sustainability during their studies and is trained to support social transformation?
After two further round tables in February and May 2023, a concept for a central lecture series was discussed.

Lecture series “Sustainable Development” (in German)

The series was offered for the first time in the summer semester 2024, where over 450 students from all faculties had enrolled. A wide range of scientific topics is offered, which are presented and discussed by two lecturers from different faculties in a tandem format. The series continues in the summer term 2025. Program

Module "Sustainability - basics and application"

Students from all faculties can take part in a methodically and thematically broad-based practical module in order to work on sustainability topics with practical partners. It combines a seminar with guest lectures and small group work, with a selection of self-study units for in-depth study of topics and a 40-hour project in regional companies, associations or topics students do individually plan. more

Dr. Simone Pfeiffer
Büsgenweg 1, Room 0.105
Tel. 0551 39 23909