International Conference of Agricultural Economics 2018
ICEA 2018
This year, the 30th conference of the IAAE (International Association of Agricultural Economics) took place in Vancouver. From the 27th of July through the 2nd of August 1208 people joined the conference and discussed the topic „New Landscapes and New Mandates for Agriculture“.
Germany was the third biggest delegation with 129 participants, following the USA (230 participants) and Canada (138 participants). The chair was represented by nine people.
Some Impressions on Twitter:
Interesting plenary session: „Producing more with less: agriculture, land use and ecosystems“, describing alternative approaches to global challenges, with Stephan von Cramon (c), James Gerber, @NRamankutty and Sjaak Conijn @ICAE_2018 @globalfood_1666 @uniGoettingen
— Sebastian Lakner (@SebastianLakner) 1. August 2018
Prof. Stephan von Cramon chairing the plenary session on agricultural land use and ecosystems. @ICAE_2018 @globalfood #icae2018
— JessLin (@Jessie__Lin) 1. August 2018
Visual presentation @ICAE_2018 #ICAE2018 @globalfood_1666
— JessLin (@Jessie__Lin) 30. Juli 2018
Institutions, trade, and coconut exports.
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