Göttingen model of the internationalisation of the curricula
As part of the project "Göttingen model of the internationalisation of the curricula" that has been funded through central study quality funds, the following curriculum development projects have been implemented:
Summer term 2021
- Joint Classroom "E pluribus unum? Possibilities and Limits of a Shared (Eastern) European Collective Memory of the Second World War"Joint Classroom „E pluribus unum? Possibilities and Limits of a Shared (Eastern) European Collective Memory of the Second World War”
Within the framework of the project, a Joint Classroom entitled "E pluribus unum? Possibilities and Limits of a Shared (Eastern) European Collective Memory of the Second World War" in cooperation with the Department of History of the Higher School of Economics, Campus St. Petersburg and the German-Belarusian History Commission (BRGK) will be implemented. The course is intended to provide a low-threshold contact for students and an academically sound, transnational discussion of the specific memory policies and cultures in the context of the Memory Wars between Germany, Russia, Belarus, the EU and other East-Central European states.
The collaboration is intended to be the starting point for a digital integration of the courses offered by the Chair of Modern Eastern European History and the Department of History of the HSE in the future. This should make it possible for German and Russian MA students to study together in the double master's programme even if they cannot be mobile. Through the cooperation with the BRGK, the seminar should also lay the foundation for more intensive cooperation with the democratic educational institutions in Belarus.
The project is led by Prof. Dr. Anke Hilbrenner (anke.hilbrenner@uni-goettingen.de) and Dr. Kerstin Bischl (kerstin.bischl@uni-goettingen.de) and receives funding from March to September 2021.
- Preparation of teaching and learning materials on traditional agroforestry systems in Southeast AsiaPreparation of teaching and learning materials on traditional agroforestry systems in Southeast Asia
In cooperation with the Universitas Papua in Manokawari, Indonesia and the Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogjakarta, Indonesia, valuable teaching material on traditional agroforestry systems in Southeast Asia is to be digitised and used as the basis for a course. This course is planned as a new module or lecture series in the M. Sc. Tropical and International Forestry.
Prof. Dr. Ralph Mitlöhner (rmitloe@gwdg.de) and Dr. Simone Pfeiffer (spfeiff@gwdg.de) will receive project funding for this project from March to September 2021.
- Writing partnerships with Ilia State University (ISU) in Tbilisi, GeorgiaWriting partnerships with Ilia State University (ISU) in Tbilisi, Georgia
Within the framework of the project, an English-language writing partnership with collaborative text production is to be implemented within a joint classroom in cooperation with Ilia State University (ISU) in Tbilisi, Georgia, for an estimated 40 students. Together, the students will address the questions of how they imagine the world and society(ies) after the Corona crisis, what visions and fears they have for this time, which pandemic-related societal changes they would retain and which should be discarded.
The course will take place within the framework of the module SK.IKGISZ.13 "Academic Writing Partnerships". During the project, it will be discussed with the ISU cooperation partners how the Joint Classroom can be continued beyond the period of the project.
Dr. Melanie Brinkschulte (melanie.brinkschulte@phil.uni-goettingen.de) and Dr. Ella Grieshammer (ella.grieshammer@phil.uni-goettingen.de) are responsible for this project, which is funded from March to September 2021.
- Global Learning, Task Orientation and Telecollaboration in the Master of EducationGlobal Learning, Task Orientation and Telecollaboration in the Master of Education
Within the framework of the project, joint classrooms on three current approaches to foreign language didactics (global learning, task orientation and telecollaboration) are to be offered in didactics of English for the Master of Education. In cooperation with the Instituto Ivoti in Brazil, the Arab Academic College of Education in Haifa, Israel and the Gazi University in Ankara, Turkey, future English teachers from different countries will jointly develop complex competence tasks on global problems with the help of digital communication media and English as a lingua franca, which can also be carried out telecollaboratively with English learners in English lessons at schools in the respective countries.
The event takes place within the framework of the module M.EP.03-2-L: Subject-specific didactics of English (in-depth) (compulsory elective course "Virtual Exchange for Global Education in Foreign Language Teaching").
The project is led by Prof. Dr. Carola Surkamp (carola.surkamp@phil.uni-goettingen.de) and Fabian Krengel (fabian.krengel@uni-goettingen.de) and receives funding from March to September 2021.
- Joint Classroom "Micro-Finance for the Rural Poor: A Business Class"Joint Classroom "Micro-Finance for the Rural Poor: A Business Class"
The project will implement a Joint Classroom in cooperation with Kenya Methodist University, where students will work together on case studies. These case studies involve a real-life scenario of people from rural areas of the Global South who are chronically trapped in poverty. Based on this scenario, students have to develop a problem-solving proposal, prepare a business pitch and finally write a business plan.
The course is part of the module M.Agr.0156.Mp: Microfinance for the Rural Poor: A Business Class. It is planned to collaborate with different partners in the summer semesters of the following years.
Prof. Dr Oliver Mußhoff (oliver.musshoff@agr.uni-goettingen.de), Selina Bruns (selina.bruns@uni-goettingen.de) and Constantin Johnen (constantin.johnen@uni-goettingen.de) will receive funding for this project from March to September 2021.
Winter term 2020/21
- Joint Classroom: Designing a fictional, literary Rome in intercultural dialogueJoint Classroom: Designing a fictional, literary Rome in intercultural dialogue
As part of the project, a concept for a joint classroom format is to be developed and implemented for the first time in the winter semester 2020/21. It will be carried out as a cooperation between the Institute for Digital Humanities of the University of Göttingen, the Chair of Ancient History of the University of Kassel, and the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (IHAC), Changchun, China.
The students participate in joint online sessions and work in teams to "translate" Pliny's "natural history" into interactive maps. The goal of the course is not only to learn how to use a digital map tool, but also to explore the fictional, literary Rome for which Pliny weaves archaeological and historical realities into a cultural mind map. Furthermore, the class focuses on intercultural learning. In German-Chinese expert groups, the communication and cooperation of the students with group partners from completely different cultural backgrounds should be promoted and thereby a better and lasting understanding of each other should be achieved in a constructive cooperation. Pliny's natural history thus becomes the focus of various perspectives on cultural practices, both ancient and modern.
For this project Elisabeth Günther will receive funding from October 2020 to March 2021.
- Joint Classroom "The Pre-Modern Persian Translation of the Bible" Joint Classroom "The Pre-Modern Persian Translation of the Bible"
In this project, a joint classroom titled "The Pre-modern Persian translation of the Bible" will be designed and implemented for the first time in cooperation with the University of Pisa in Italy and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel. Weekly synchronized courses are planned in which Göttingen students and teachers will work together with students and teachers from both partner universities. Lecture units will be repeatedly interrupted by low threshold interaction elements and breakout sessions in which students from the three universities can get to know each other, exchange ideas and work on tasks together.
The course is part of the modules B.Ira.105 and B.Ira.109 and is open to a variety of study programs in the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Social Sciences in Göttingen. After the initial implementation, the format is to be continued and consolidated with the two partners. The joint classroom also serves as a basis for further academic cooperation.
The project is led by Ali B. Langroudi (Faculty of Humanities) and will receive funding from October 2020 to March 2021.
Summer term 2020
- Module „Pests & Diseases of Tropical Crops“ at master levelModule „Pests & Diseases of Tropical Crops“ at master level
The aim of the project is to redesign the existing module "Pests and Diseases of Tropical Crops" by introducing a blended learning format and a stronger integration of student perspectives and experiences. For this purpose, teaching and learning materials are to be developed together with international experts and directly by the students themselves. Secondly, the already existing basics of the module are to be prepared as digital materials in order to make greater use of the time in the classroom for practical work. This time will also be used for peer exchange, where students will have the opportunity to work on and present their own topics.
The project will be funded in the summer semester 2020. The project is led by Dr. Anke Sirrenberg (asirren@gwdg.de), Prof. Dr. Andreas von Tiedemann and Dr. Susanne Weigand.
- MaRCCI-GOE Joint Classroom Pilot Project in Agricultural SciencesMaRCCI-GOE Joint Classroom Pilot Project in Agricultural Sciences
The aim of the project is to implement a joint classroom in cooperation with the Makerere University Regional Center for Crop Improvement (MaRCCI) in Uganda. Students and lecturers from the University of Göttingen will work together with students and lecturers from the University of Makarere in synchronous joint classroom courses via video conferences. Different learning scenarios and digitally supported formats such as mVote and e-examinations will be tested. In addition to teaching subject-specific content, the module also aims to provide students with experiences that are relevant for working successfully in the context of cooperation with developing countries and international non-profit organisations. After approval by the faculty, the course will be part of the planned elective module "Breeding tropical/sub-tropical staple crops and their impact on global food security" and will be integrated into the curriculum of the Master's programmes in Agricultural Sciences, International Plant and Animal Breeding (iPAB) and Sustainable International Agriculture (SIA).
The project is funded from February to December 2020. The project is led by Prof. Dr. Timothy Beissinger (beissinger@gwdg.de) and Dr. Stefanie Griebel (stefanie.griebel@uni-goettingen.de).
- Joint classroom on intercultural competences for teacher training students of all subjectsJoint classroom on intercultural competences for student teachers of all subjects
Within the framework of the project, an English-speaking joint classroom will be implemented in cooperation with the Centre for Teacher Education in Tartu, Estonia. Teacher training students at the University of Göttingen and the U4 partner university in Tartu will learn to recognise intercultural dimensions of social situations in school and class and to address them in their teaching practice. In this way, they will be able to perceive and critically reflect on the cultural dependence of their own and other's perspectives, to deal constructively with experiences of difference and to understand cultural diversity as a resource for educational processes. Students will work on a final project in mixed teams and reflect on their experiences within the framework of a portfolio. The event will be held as a block seminar in fall 2020 as part of the module "B.Erz.915: Intercultural Competence" of the certificate programme Lehramt PluS.
The project is funded from May to November 2020. The project is led by Franziska Brinkmann (franziska.brinkmann@uni-goettingen.de) and Berlind Falck (berlind.falck@sowi.uni-goettingen.de).
- Creating learning videos in international teamsCreating learning videos in international teams
Within the framework of the project, a joint classroom is to be implemented in cooperation with the Universidade Estadual Paulista in São Paulo, in which students of German as a foreign language at UNESP and Göttingen students of the certificate programme “Additional Qualification Interculturality and Multilingualism / German as a Foreign and a Second Language” will conceive and design animated learning videos in international teams. This gives students the opportunity to try out new teaching methods with digital tools in international contexts. Subsequently, these learning videos will be used and evaluated in German lessons at the schools supported by the Goethe-Institut in Brazil. The learning videos will be made available as Open Educational Resources to schools throughout Brazil and to interested Göttingen students on an internal platform of the Department of Intercultural German Studies. The teaching project is offered as part of the module SK.IKG-ZIMD.03 of the Certificate Programme Additional Qualification Interculturality and Multilingualism/German as a Foreign and Second Language (ZIMD).
The project will be funded in the summer semester 2020 and is led by Zuzana Münch-Manková (zuzana.muench-mankova@phil.uni-goettingen.de).
- Arab*ic-West*ern cultural encounters in the Joint ClassroomArab*ic-West*ern cultural encounters in the Joint Classroom
The starting point of the project is the recently founded workshop Arab*ic-West*ern cultural relations, a cooperation format of the Seminar for Arabic/Islamic Studies (SAI) and the Center for Intercultural Competence /Department of Intercultural German Studies at the University of Göttingen. The learning objectives of the event are the expansion of intercultural competencies through knowledge transfer and reflection on Arab cultures and Islamic religion in personal and academic contexts. Students of all disciplines from Göttingen and Béja, Tunisia, will exchange ideas in a joint classroom within intercultural teams in synchronous as well as asynchronous formats and work on issues related to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The existing module SK.IKG-IKK.12 will be revised within the framework of this project and the new format will be established as a regular course from the winter semester 2020/21.
The project is funded from February to December 2020. The project is led by Prof. Dr. Jens Scheiner (jschein@uni-goettingen.de) and Alexandra Schreiber (Alexandra.Schreiber@phil.uni-goettingen.de).
Winter term 2019/20
- Simulation game "Lobbyism in the European Multilevel System" in Political ScienceSimulation game "Lobbyism in the European Multilevel System" in Political Science
Within the framework of the project, an English-language, digital simulation game for the mediation of lobbyism in the European multi-level system is to be developed and implemented for the module "Politics in the European multi-level system". After the development or adaptation of the simulation tasks, the course will be conducted jointly with students from the University of Göttingen and students from the University of Antwerp and other partner universities. In this way, students will not only be taught complex, process-oriented knowledge, but will also be able to network with students from different countries.
The project will be funded in the winter semester 2019/20. Sven Ives (Sven.Ivens@uni-goettingen.de) will be responsible for the project management and coordination.
- SpiELE: Spanish Didactics in Dialogue with ELE (Espaῆol lengua Extranjera)SpiELE: Spanish Didactics in Dialogue with ELE (Espaῆol lengua Extranjera)
The teaching project aims to provide students of Spanish didactics with new perspectives on their subject and on the international discourse of Spanish didactics in connection with everyday life in German schools. To this end, ten digital teaching and learning units are to be designed in cooperation with renowned international experts in Spanish didactics. Five innovative fields of Spanish didactics will be thematised in thematic and practical terms.
The project will be funded in the winter semester 2019/20 and will be led by Prof. Dr. Marta García García.
- Cross-border exchange on the subject of digitisation in schoolsCross-border exchange on the subject of digitisation in schools
Within the framework of the project, two modules for the additional teaching offer Lehramt PluS are to be developed in order to provide more in-depth learning opportunities for the already ongoing project ITElab (Initial Teachers Education Lab), which is funded by the European Commission. In addition to the online course "The neworked Teacher - Teaching in the 21st century" of the ITElab, which could be attended by Göttingen students for the first time in the winter term 18/19, blended learning units in the form of webinars are to be created to enable networking with students from other European partner universities. The course "Working with Learners" is offered as a joint classroom with University College Dublin to enable students to exchange experiences and collaborate across borders.
The project receives funding for the winter semester 2019/20 and is led by Torben Mau (torben.mau@zentr.uni-goettingen.de) and David Salim (salim@mygatekeeper.de).
Summer term 2019
- Digitally Supported Computational Physics Teaching Materials in the U4 NetworkDigitally Supported Computational Physics Teaching Materials in the U4 Network
The teaching project "Computational Physics" is a cooperation project within the U4 network and aims at creating a transnational collection of tasks, visualisations and ideas for the further development of computer education in the field of physics.
For this purpose, tasks are to be modified and extended in the network so that they can be processed on the computer for the compulsory theory courses in the bachelor's programme. The preparation of the joint task collection also includes the courses for the Physics Practical Course as well as the course "Fundamentals of Experimentation". For the practical course useful auxiliary programs and modules are to be made available e.g. for the visualisation and analysis of data. In addition to the programming tasks, the aim of the project is also to jointly create video tutorials in English, which will be made available to students online (e.g. via GWDG servers) as a means to support working on programming tasks and projects.
Teachers and students in the U4 network shall be able to access teaching materials and program examples as easily as possible. Thus, the project also represents an important basis for jointly conducted courses in the international network.
The project is led by Prof. Dr. Hans Hofsäss and Dr. Salvatore Manmama and supported by Sebastian Paeckel and Alrik Stegmaier (II.Institute of Physics). The project will be funded from April to September 2019.
- Spatial Statistics - Digitally supported teaching project on the internationalisation of the MSc Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, focus on Ecosystem Analysis and ModellingSpatial Statistics - Digitally supported teaching project on the internationalisation of the MSc Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, focus on Ecosystem Analysis and Modelling
The project concerns the further development of a module from the doctoral programme for the Master's programme in Forest Sciences. This will make it possible to familiarise students with important statistical methods at an earlier stage.
Practical examples from different geographical regions should help to deepen the knowledge of the subject matter and statistical software and, by involving international scientists in the teaching, to promote the rather "dry" material vividly and interestingly.
In instructional videos, application examples for the methods presented in the lecture are presented by international colleagues. For each application example there will be several short videos on the following topics: Presentation of the scientist (career path, working conditions on site), repetition of the relevant statistical methods, presentation of the ecosystem, presentation of the tasks to be solved by the students and exemplary solutions.
The format will give insights into the scientific work in different countries and motivate students to study abroad.
The project is led by Prof. Dr. Kerstin Wiegand (Kerstin.Wiegand@uni-goettingen.de) ( Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology) and is funded from February to September 2019.
Winter term 2018/19
- Interdisciplinary Research Practice in the Social SciencesInterdisciplinary Research Practice in the Social Sciences
The project will test and establish teaching formats and scenarios for the module "Interdisciplinary Research Practice in the Social Sciences", which is compulsory for all students of the social sciences. The module promotes research orientation in the Bachelor's programme as well as an interdisciplinary combination of the knowledge gained during the course of study in the last section of the programme. The partnership with Temple University in Philadelphia, USA, is intended to support this goal through international exchange. In joint teaching research projects, which are oriented towards socially relevant issues, teachers and students will work together virtually in the so-called joint classroom, sharing and discussing results.
The project will receive funding from February 2019 and will be led by Dr. Klaas Kunst (Klaas.Kunst@sowi.uni-goettingen.de) (Faculty of Social Sciences).
- Landscape Ecology and Fieldtrip - Development of learning materials for the internationalization of two master modules in geography.Landscape Ecology and Fieldtrip - Development of learning materials for the internationalization of two master modules in geography.
The aim of the project is to restructure two modules from the compulsory and elective subjects - M.Geg.06 "Landscape Ecology" and M.Geg.08 "Fieldtrip" - of the Master programme in Geography in order to broaden the international orientation of the learning content and learning objectives.
The goal is the development of an English taught programme that is aimed at students of the Master in Geography as well as students of the International Master of Science in Soils and Global Change (IMSOGLO, Erasmus Mundus programme). The focus is on the development of a guidebook for field trips, in a digital and a paper format, as well as the development of teaching materials that explicitly address the influence of diverse cultural spaces on the cognitive process, thereby helping students to take an international perspective on their field of study and acquire intercultural competence.
The project receives funding from February to September 2019 and is headed by Prof. Dr. Daniela Sauer.
- Business English: Project Management in AgribusinessBusiness English: Project Management in Agribusiness
Within the framework of this project, a key competence module will be developed for Bachelor's and Master's degree programmes that links three areas of competence:
- content aspects from the field of agricultural sciences,
- Key competencies and
- English language competence.
Although a topic from the field of agricultural sciences forms the basis of the work, interdisciplinary topics and competences are dealt with on the basis of this topic, so that the contents of the course are of relevance for students of a wide variety of disciplines. With this interdisciplinary approach, the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and the ZESS are breaking new ground: they promote the foreign language and intercultural competence of the students and prepare them optimally for the demands and tasks in an international working context. Based on an action-oriented teaching and learning concept, tasks, infoclips and video sequences are developed for blended learning and made available to students for carrying out their own case studies via a learning platform. The professional input of international guest lecturers from partner universities and companies also plays a central role.
Project managers are Dr. Johann Fischer, Head of ZESS, and Dr. Regina Hebisch, Coordinator "Network for Agricultural Careers - AgriCareerNet". Project funding starts in October 2018 and ends in September 2019.
Summer term 2018
- Wood infestation and wood preservation: English-speaking online courses in the international networkWood infestation and wood preservation: English-speaking online courses in the international network
The Wood Biology & Wood Products department has been working with international colleagues in the InnovaWood network for a long time. This network is now to be increasingly integrated into teaching. Within the framework of the project, an English-language module "Wood infestation and wood preservation" is being developed with the participation of proven Göttingen experts and international partners, which will also be made available to other universities in the network. In the future, Göttingen students will be able to participate in this online offer and also attend other online courses from the network and thus pursue new content-related issues with an international dimension as part of their master's degree.
The project will receive funding from May 2018 to April 2019 and will be led by Prof. Dr. Holger Militz and Mr. Philipp Sauerbier.
- Further Internationalization of Study Courses in the Faculty of Social SciencesFurther Internationalization of Study Courses in the Faculty of Social Sciences
The project supports the further internationalisation of the courses of study in the Faculty of Social Sciences. Based on the topics "Metamorphoses of the Political" and "Inequality and Diversity" of the CeMIS, teaching units are to be developed together with guest lecturers and colleagues from Göttingen, which can be integrated into the degree programmes Political Science (B.A. and M.A.), Gender Studies (B.A. and M.A.), Diversity Research (M.A.), Social Sciences and Sociology (B.A. and M.A.) in the long term.
Dr. Karin Klenke will lead the project from March 2018 to February 2019. - Master of Education: transnational and comparative perspectives on the school systemMaster of Education: transnational and comparative perspectives on the school system
his teaching project strengthens transnational and comparative perspectives on the school system in the educational science part of the Master of Education in order to give students a critical perspective on their 'own' and 'known' German school system. ILIAS is developing teaching and learning units for this purpose, in which existing materials are processed and bundled into units and new audiovisual materials are created in cooperation with guest teachers. In addition, videographed work assignments will be developed in cooperation with the international guests, which will serve as impulses for students to work in small groups. Various forms of international communication and cooperation will be tested during the project and, after evaluation, transferred to regular operation.
The project is led by Prof. Kerstin Rabenstein and Mr. Mark Schäffer and will receive funding from March 2018 to February 2019. - Bachelor's Programme "Ethnology": Ethnographic Field Research in International DialogueBachelor's Programme "Ethnology": Ethnographic Field Research in International Dialogue
The project "Ethnographic Field Research in International Dialogue" aims to deepen intercultural experience as an essential component of ethnological education in the basic module "Field Research and Ethnography" (B.Eth.321). Here, processes and results of intercultural science communication in exchange with the Institute of Ethnology and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (USSH) in Hanoi, Vietnam will be made accessible to all ethnology students in the form of digital teaching units. To this end, the project cooperates with guest lecturers, but also with students who carry out research exercises in learning and tandem partnerships and reflect commonalities and differences in scientific communication as well as in the representation of foreign cultural experiences in audiovisual formats.
Prof. Andrea Lauser (Faculty of Social Sciences) will lead the project from April 2018 to March 2019. - Digital teaching units for the focus "Indogermanic Linguistics" in the
Bachelor's programme "General Linguistics".Digital teaching units for the focus "Indogermanic Linguistics" in the
Bachelor's programme "General Linguistics".
Göttingen is an important location for Indo-European studies, because many scientists who shaped the subject taught here in the 19th and early 20th centuries. The teaching project aims to strengthen the international profile of the study focus and develop teaching units on the ancient Indo-European languages. A total of 10 teaching and learning units, consisting of introductions to the language situation, the socio-cultural contexts and the documentation of the language as well as the respective grammar, will be designed and produced together with international experts. The units will be used in several modules of the Bachelor's programme, for example in the module "Historical and Typological Linguistics" and modules on Indo-European Forms and Individual Languages.
The project is funded from April 2018 to March 2019 and is led by Prof. Dr. Stavros Skopeteas and Prof. Dr. Götz Keydana. - Master's programmes "English Philology" and "English for Teaching at Grammar Schools":
Global ShakespeareMaster's programmes "English Philology" and "English for Teaching at Grammar Schools":
Global Shakespeare
What "happens" when Shakespeare's plays are not performed at the Globe Theatre in London, but in Southeast Asia, for example? This teaching project extends the reception perspective to Shakespeare as a global author. Students should be sensitized to nationally different ways of reception and communication and learn to recognize the significance of Shakespeare beyond the Anglophone language area. Teaching/learning units are to be created that can be used in several modules of the degree programmes. To this end, the project cooperates with international guest lecturers who will come to the video studio for lectures and interviews, and works with open access materials from Shakespeare performances from various cultural areas.
The project is funded from April 2018 to March 2019 and is led by Prof. Dr. Barbara Schaff, Dr. Frauke Reitemeier and Julia Kroll, M.A.. - Subject Gender Studies:
English E-Learning Units on International Debates in Gender StudiesSubject Gender Studies:
English E-Learning Units on International Debates in Gender Studies
The aim of the teaching project is, on the one hand, to ensure that the English-language range of courses in the subject of study is more firmly established and thus also to create interesting offers for incoming students. At the same time, all students of the subject should learn to look at epistemic and methodological basic questions of gender studies from different perspectives. Thus, the project ties in with the existing cooperation "U4 Gender Studies" and, together with guest lecturers, develops podcasts and teaching videos for teaching and learning units in several modules. As a subproject, a new module focusing on "Race, Class, Age, Gender" will be developed in which students can work intersectionally and at the same time deepen their knowledge of foreign languages.
The project is led by Prof. Dr. Barbara Schaff and Helga Hauenschild, M.A. and will receive funding from February 2018 to January 2019.
Winter term 2017/18
- Bachelor's programme "Weltliteratur/World Literature"Bachelor's programme "Weltliteratur/World Literature"
In the new bilingual Bachelor's programme "World Literature", the subject area of literature studies will be consistently internationalised and literature treated as a global phenomenon. To this end, an existing basic module at Bachelor level will be expanded to include units on global literary concepts and partially redesigned. For the module "Literatures of the World", which students will study in the further course of the curriculum, a library of digital learning materials will be developed in cooperation with guest lecturers, offering an introduction to smaller literatures or literatures that are not (regularly) taught at the University of Göttingen.
The project is funded from September 2017 to August 2018 and is led by Prof. Dr. Freise (Faculty of Philosophy). Further information on the project can be found at Experience reports. - Agricultural Sciences "Internationalisation and Digitisation with a focus on Integrated Plant and Animal Breeding:
Optimisation of the introductory phase for students with diverse cultural backgrounds and strengthening of the international profile by building up a digital core curriculumAgricultural Sciences "Internationalisation and Digitisation with a focus on Integrated Plant and Animal Breeding:
Optimisation of the introductory phase for students with diverse cultural backgrounds and strengthening of the international profile by building up a digital core curriculum
With the aim of increasing the success of studies, especially of international students, a digitally based propaedeutic is to be developed which can be completed before the start of studies. In addition to scientific content, the course will also focus on key competences such as scientific work and intercultural communication. A learning environment will be created that facilitates dialogue between local and international students and thus contributes to internationalisation at home. A second subproject involves the digitisation of 5 compulsory modules with the involvement of external national and international experts*. Their seminar contributions will be recorded for the purpose of permanent anchoring in the modules and an interview series on the experiences of the experts in the international working environment will be developed.
Prof. Dr. Henner Simianer will be in charge of the funded project (October 2017 to February 2019). - Master's programme Sustainable International Agriculture:
Deepening the international network through joint development of digital teaching formats and enabling students to intercultural communicationMaster's programme Sustainable International Agriculture:
Deepening the international network through joint development of digital teaching formats and enabling students to intercultural communication
The project in the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences deals with the conception and implementation of a digitally based module "Crop modelling for risk management". Both the cooperation with South African partner universities in the development and production of teaching and the planned virtual mobility, in which students from the University of Göttingen work together with students, e.g. from South Africa, on the fundamentals of plant production modelling in different climatic, economic and cultural contexts, explicitly promote the ability to reflect critically on the location-bound nature of one's own perspective. The faculty also hopes to increase competence in the production of further digital and interdisciplinary teaching materials, the availability of which will further increase international visibility.
The project, which is funded from November 2017 to August 2018, is headed by Prof. Dr. Reimund Rötter.
Summer term 2017
- The Certificate Programme Additional Qualification Interculturality and Multilingualism / German as a Foreign and Second Language (ZIMD): E-Learning in the Basic CourseThe Certificate Programme Additional Qualification Interculturality and Multilingualism / German as a Foreign and Second Language (ZIMD): E-Learning in the Basic Course
The certificate programme offered by the Chair of Interculturality and Multilingualism since the winter semester 2014/15, which is in great demand, will in future include e-learning elements that will play a stronger role and complement classroom teaching in the basic module. The aim of ZIMD is to promote competences and knowledge of interculturality and multilingualism and to convey an appreciative approach to linguistic and cultural diversity. Self-learning components are developed through media support and made accessible on ILIAS. Furthermore, working in (international) teams is to be strengthened through collaborative text production and by networking students within the programme and with selected partner universities in China and India. A further goal of the teaching project is to orient the contents of the basic module more strongly towards cultural comparison than before and to reflect on mediality as an object that is relevant for professions in intercultural competence and language mediation.
The project starts in April 2017 and will be funded until March 2018. The project management is Prof. Dr. Andrea Bogner (Faculty of Philosophy). Further information on the project can be found at Experience reports. - Master's programme Intercultural Theology:
Propaedeutic online courses support students on their way into the German science system and international guest lecturers broaden the non-European perspectiveMaster's programme Intercultural Theology:
Propaedeutic online courses support students on their way into the German science system and international guest lecturers broaden the non-European perspective
In the Master's programme "Intercultural Theology", the introductory phase is a particularly critical moment in the course of studies due to different learning cultures of the students. The teaching project therefore plans to support the entry into studies by developing a propaedeutic online course and to make it easier for international students to enter the German science system. As a second task package, the project plans to expand the range of courses offered by international guest lecturers who will spend some time in Göttingen in the summer to produce teaching videos and digital teaching units with the lecturers. The non-European perspective will be broadened by this offer. In addition the project plans to strengthen the cohesion of the diverse group and in particular the kommunikativen authority of the studying by intensified virtual co-operation at the different locations (Goettingen and Hermannsburg).
The project starts in April 2017 and will be funded until March 2018. PD Dr. Fritz Heinrich, Dr. Cornelia Schlarb (Faculty of Theology) and Prof. Dr. Ulrike Schröder (Hermannsburg) are responsible for the project. - Business Studies - DIGINT (Digitalization and Internationalization):
Digital cooperation promotes (international) exchangeBusiness Studies - DIGINT (Digitalization and Internationalization):
Digital cooperation promotes (international) exchange
DIGINT aims to promote the systematic combination of digitisation and internationalisation in teaching and learning. It aims to prepare students for the increasing digitalization and to teach them central intercultural skills as well as technical and methodological knowledge in the field of international business administration. The intended reformation of the courses "International Human Resource Management", "International Business", "Doing Business in Japan", "Doing Business in Korea" in the Master's area provides for a stronger involvement of international guests and international partners from research and industry via e-learning offers and video/web conferences. The international thematic orientation and the digital cooperation enable a direct exchange with teachers and students of the partner universities. In the future, the reformed modules should also be able to be studied in the planned Master's programme "Global Business".
The project starts in May 2017 and will be funded until April 2018. The project management is Prof. Dr. Dr. Fabian Froese (Faculty of Economic Sciences). - Master's Programme Diversity Research:
English Blended Learning Components in the Introductory ModuleMaster's Programme Diversity Research:
English Blended Learning Components in the Introductory Module
The teaching project aims to increase English language learning content and strengthen blended learning concepts. Together with guest lecturers from different countries, four digital learning units in English will be developed and made accessible on ILIAS. The project thus promotes the learning objective of the introductory module "Introduction to Diversity Research" in the Master's programme "Diversity Research" that students are familiar with "the international state of diversity research in theoretical terms".
The project starts in April 2017 and will be funded until September 2017. The project is managed by Dr. Astrid Biele-Mefebue (Faculty of Social Sciences).
- Theology - Exercise "Practical Theology in the USA: Origins, Developments, and Current Issues" SoSe 2017: Research-based learning for more interaction between studentsSTheology - Exercise "Practical Theology in the USA: Origins, Developments, and Current Issues" SoSe 2017: Research-based learning for more interaction between students
So far, English-language events in the parish study course, in which international and German students are more likely to meet and exchange ideas, are rather rare. In this teaching project, research-based learning is to be used to encourage interaction and cooperation between students and is very well suited to familiarising all students with this new topic. The exercise will be accompanied virtually by guest lecturers from the USA, who will come to Göttingen at the end of the event for a visit in order to deepen cooperation in teaching.
The project starts in April 2017 and will be funded until September 2017. Moritz Emmelmann (Faculty of Theology) is leading the project.
Winter term 2016/17
- Development Economics / Center for Modern Indian Studies: Module "Field Experiments in Development Economics"Development Economics / Center for Modern Indian Studies: Module "Field Experiments in Development Economics"
IIn the module "Field Experiments in Development Economics" master students become researchers themselves by planning and setting up a project for their own research interests.
The teachers provide methodological background information on essential aspects of field research in developing countries. However the main part of the course is that students develop their own ideas in small groups and during discussions in the course.
The special feature of the project is the exchange with students from India via videoconferencing, which enables all students to gain insights into life and work in developing countries.
The project starts in October 2016 and ends in March 2017. Prof. Dr. Sebastian Vollmer will take over the project management.