Public and Media Relations in Academia
Target group:
PhD students of the GGG and GSGG, other PhD students if free places are available
21.03.2016 (09:00 - 14:00) &
22.03.2016 (09:00 - 16:00)
Historische Sternwarte (Tagungszentrum) / Historical Observatory (Conference Centre), Geismar Landstraße 11
Seminarraum 2
Available seats: 10
Course language: English
Teachers: Thomas Richter (Göttingen University, Head of Department Public Relations) & Romas Bielke, (Göttingen University, Section Head press relations and press spokesperson)
Seminars objectives:
The workshop will address the how and why of Public Relations, especially text creation. We will talk about the chances and pitfalls of media communication. Participants will have the chance to write and discuss their own short press release and gain some insight into the practical work in Public Relations at Göttingen University.
Conditions of participation:
Bring your own project or topic which you would like to communicate to the public. Bring questions about science communication for specific target groups or a general audience.
Credits: 1 Credit
Demands: Active participation, draft and revision of an own text directed at the media or the public
Application starts 16.11.2015
Application only via:
Contact for more information: Kristin Schröder, Phone: +551 39-20449
This course is organized by the Göttingen Graduate School of Social Sciences (GGG).