Hindle, Dr. David
David Hindle
Department of Structural Geology and Geothermics, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
PhD, Neuchâtel, (1993-1997)
Shell, Rijswijk, (1998-1999)
GFZ Potsdam, (1999-2002)
Michigan State (2002-2005)
GEOMAR (2005-2007)
University of Freiburg (2007-2010)
University of Jena (2010-2012)
University of Göttingen (2012-present)
Research Interests
Plate kinematics and tectonics; Intraplate tectonics and flexure of the earth's lithosphere; Kinematics and dynamics of fold thrust belts; "Epeirogenic" uplift events and dynamic topography.
I try to combine and integrate first order field data (maps, stratigraphic columns, known geohistories and cross sections) with numerical models. My way of thinking is something like, "no model is too simple if it can explain the data correctly", always bearing in mind George Box's important caveat, "all models are wrong!".
I've worked and published on the geology of the Jura Mountains and Swiss Molasse basin, the tectonics of the Central Andes, the tectonics and neotectonics of the Okhotsk plate and the intraplate tectonics of Central Western Europe along its Late Cretaceous basin system. I'm still actively thinking about all of these problems when I can.
Recent Publications
Hindle D., Kley J. (2020): The Subhercynian Basin: An example of an intraplate foreland basin due to a broken plate, Solid Earth Discuss. [preprint], . https://doi.org/10.5194/se-2020-185, in review,
Hindle, D., Sedov, B., Lindauer, S., and Mackey, K. (2019): The Ulakhan fault surface rupture and the seismicity of the Okhotsk–North America plate boundary, , Solid Earth, 10, 561–580, https://doi.org/10.5194/se-10-561-2019 .
HIndle D. Kley J. (2016) Mechanical forward modelling of balanced cross sections in Proceedings of the 4th Itasca Symposium on Applied Numerical Modeling Applied Numerical Modeling in Geomechanics, eds. Gómez P, Detournay C, Hart R, Nelson M, pp. 475-487.