Eric Runge
Research interests
Minerals trace the co-evolution of life and its environments through geological time. My current Ph.D. project focuses on microbial biosignatures in hydrothermal sulfide systems on the early Earth. Using analytical techniques from the outcrop- to the nanoscale, I integrate work on ancient rocks with modern analog studies and experimental approaches to better understand the formation and preservation of microbial biominerals under hydrothermal conditions.
2021 – today Ph.D. candidate University of Tübingen/ Göttingen
2021 M.Sc. Geosciences, University of Göttingen
2018 B.Sc. Geographical Sciences, Free University of Berlin
2016 Intern, Nanjing Integrated Center for Earth System Studies
M.Geo.103 Global Change - Critical intervals of geological history
M.Geo.117 Geobiology
Awards and Memberships
2022 Paul-Raumdohr-Award (Young-Scientists Award of the DMG)
Since 2021 Member German Mineralogical Society (DMG)
Runge, E.A., Mansor, M., Shuster, J., Fischer, S., Liu, Y., Lunter, D.J., Kappler, A., Duda, J.-P., 2023. Sulfidation of nano-magnetite to pyrite: Implications for interpreting paleoenvironmental proxies and biosignature records in hydrothermal sulfide deposits. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 617,
Domingos, J.M., Runge, E., Dreher, C., Chiu, T.-H., Shuster, J., Fischer, S., Kappler, A., Duda, J.-P., Xu, J., Mansor, M., 2023. Inferred pyrite growth via the particle attachment pathway in the presence of trace metals. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 26, 14–19.
Bronner, R., Thompson, K., Dreher, C., Runge, E., Voggenreiter, E., Shuster, J., Wan, B., Joshi, P., Fischer, S., Duda, J.-P., Kappler, A., Mansor, M., 2023. Co-reduction of Fe(III) and S0 drives Fe-S biomineral formation and phosphate mobilisation. Geochemical Perspectives Letters 24, 27–32.
Runge, E.A., Mansor, M., Kappler, A., Duda, J.-P., 2022. Microbial biosignatures in ancient hydrothermal sulfides. Geobiology 12539.
Runge, E.A., Duda, J.-P., Van Kranendonk, M.J., Reitner, J., 2022. Earth’s oldest tsunami deposit? Early Archean high‐energy sediments in the ca 3.48 Ga Dresser Formation (Pilbara, Western Australia). The Depositional Record dep2.175.
Krambach, M., Runge, E., Toelle, O., 2016. Discussing surface crack structures in the Schorfheide region (NE Germany). E&G - Quarternary Science Journal 65.