Projects of counterparts and stakeholders in Phase 2: 2016-2019
ABS - Research Projects at IPB University | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Rika Raffiudin | A01 | The Effect of land-use change on the foraging behavior and pollen diversity in honey of the Giant Bee Apis dorsata in Sumatra, Indonesia (2017) | |
Tania June, Yudha Kristanto |
A03 | Turbulence characteristics of the oil palm canopy and their influence on sensible and latent heat fluxes (2017) | |
Tania June, Aulia Rahmadi Harfah, Ummu Marufah |
A03 | Micrometeorological-based modelling of oil palm canopy temperature and stomatal conductances (2018) | |
Tania June, Ummu Marufah |
A03 | Evaluating the impact of land-use changes on land-atmosphere interaction including heat fluxes, Gross primary and Net Primary production and Coupling Strength in Jambi Province using CLM 5.0 (2019) | |
Kukuh Murtilaksono | A04 | Dissolved organic carbon under oil palm plantation in the small catchment of PT Perkebunan Nusantara VI, Jambi (2017) | |
Suria Tarigan, Aiyen Tjoa, Nur Edy, Damayanti Buchori, Iskandar Z. Siregar |
A07, A05, B07, B09, B14 |
Oil palm landscape multifunctionality for biodiversity-based ecosystem functions (2019) | |
Anja Meryandini, Mazidah Noer Inayah |
B02 | Isolation and selection of Actinomycetes with xylanase and cellulase activity (2017) | |
Anja Meryandini, Mazidah Noer Inayah, Suhartini Evans |
B02 | Characterization of mannanase bacteria from Bukit Duabelas, Jambi, Sumatra for degreading palm kernel cake (2018) | |
Anja Meryandini, Eka Putri |
B02 | Introduction of Actinomycetes from Bukit Duabelas Jambi in the coffee fermentation to increase the polyphenol extract (2019) | |
Triadiati Antono | B04 | Root hydraulic conductivity of rubber and oil palm in riparian and non-riparian sites in Jambi Province (2017) | |
I Nengah Surati Jaya, Tatang Tiryana, Mohammad Zuhdi, Nitya Ade Santi, Ali M Muslih, Rodrigo Vera Ramirez |
B05 | Updating the forest and land cover map of Jambi in 2018: The underlying factors and changes detected during the last 3 years (2018) | |
Sri Wilarso Budi | B07 | Abundance and diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from different ecosystems in Jambi, Sumatra (2017) | |
Damayanti Buchori, Akhmad Rizali |
B09 | Effect of land-use types on species diversity and composition of insect pollinators in Jambi (2017) | |
Damayanti Buchori, Akhmad Rizali |
B09 | Long-term monitoring of beneficial insects in oil palm plantation with vegetation enrichment (2018) | |
Yeni Aryati Mulyani | B09 | Assessment of understory bird community using mist nets and capacity building by training novice bird banders (2017) | |
Yeni Aryati Mulyani, Novriyanti, Cory Wulan, Nabilla Khalida Abdillah |
B09 | Identification of birds potential for seed dispersers of invasive plant species in Taman Hutan Raya Sultan Thaha Syaifuddin (Tahura Senami), Jambi (2018) | |
Rika Raffiudin, Triatmowidi, Windra Priawandriputra |
B09 | Land use effects on foraging by the stingless bee Tetragonula laeviceps and on bee pollen diversity in a rainforest transformation landscape (2018) | |
Agus Priyono Kartono (RIP), Ellena Yusti |
B09 | Bat point counts: A new method for surveying bats (2019) | |
Suria Darma Tarigan | B10 | Assessing the relative impact of changes in soil infiltration and plant evapotranspiration on catchment water yield in the Tropical Lowland Rainforest Transformation Systems (Sumatra, Indonesia) (2017) | |
Leti Sundawati, Budi Kuncahyo |
B11 | Oil palm agroforestry yield and financial estimation modeling (2017) | |
Leti Sundawati, Fitta Setiajiati |
B11 | Comparison of above-ground biomass and economic benefits of oil palm plantation in Sumatra: Monoculture vs Agroforestry (2019) | |
Noor Farikhah Haneda, Cahyo Wibowo, Marsetyo (UNTAD), Jauhar Khabibi (UNJA) |
B13 | Soil animal diversity and abundance and their relationship to soil properties, soil respiration and nutrient cycling in several stands (ecosystems) of grand forest park (Jambi Tahura) of Jambi Province (2018) | |
Rina Mardiana, Endriatmo Soetarto, Soeryo Adiwibowo, Putu Riana Pertiwi, Nor Qomariah |
C02 | The dynamics of Marga Serampas Customary Community after the establishment of Customary Forest (Hutan Adat) in Jambi, Indonesia (2019) | |
Nunung Nuryartono, Mohammad Iqbal Irfany, Muhamad Amin Rifai |
C10 | The analysis of inequality using carbon footprint approach in Indonesia (2018) | |
Iskandar Z Siregar | Z02 | Developing DNA barcoding markers for Shorea species (2017) | |
Purnama Hidayat | Z02 | Diversity of butterflies (Lepidoptera) across rainforest transformation systems in Bukit Duabelas and Harapan Rainforest, Jambi (2017) | |
Purnama Hidayat, Rawati Panjaitan |
Z02 | Diversity of butterflies at the Biodiversity Enrichment Experiment (BEE) plots in palm oil plantation in Jambi, Indonesia (2018) | |
Purnama Hidayat, Rawati Panjaitan, Damayanti Buchori |
Z02 | Identification of the Arhopala spp. (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) from Bukit Duabelas and Harapan Forest landscape, Jambi, Sumatra based on morphological characteristics and mtCOI DNA sequences (2019) | |
Damayanti Buchori, Purnama Hidayat |
Z02 | Establishment of a taxonomic key for Hymenoptera, Braconids species of the EFForTS project (2019) | |
Damayanti Buchori | Z02 | Monitoring of Coleoptera community patterns across four different land-use systems (2019) |
ABS - Research Projects at UNJA | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Damris Muhammad, Linda Handayani, Samsidar |
A05 | Impact of land transformation and the factors that regulate nitrogen fluxes in the soils of the Rainforest Transformation System as a function of soil depths (2017) | |
Damris Muhammad, Yusrizal |
A05 | Effects of biochar amendment on CO2 emission and DOC retention in soils of the transformed forest: a short-term laboratory study (2019) | |
Hesti Riany, Ummi Mardhiah, Zulkarnain |
B02 | Isolation and amplification of the 16S rRNA gene for metagenomic analysis from the oil palm rhizosphere in different locations (based on soil textures) (2017) | |
Hesti Riany, Ummi Mardhiah, Zulkarnain |
B02 | Actinomycetes from different ecological habitats as biocontrol agents of fungal plant pathogens (2018) | |
Mohd. Zuhdi, M. Edi Armanto, Sungkono Hening |
B05 | Exploring peat spatial variability using very low frequency electromagnetic waves (2017) | |
Tia Wulandari | B09 | Freshwater stream quality and biodiversity in rainforests versus oil palm plantations (2019) | |
Bambang Irawan, Gindo Tampubolon, Hasbi Hasibuan (PT. Humusindo) |
B11 | Effects of fertilizer regime and time of planting in a Biodiversity Enrichment Experiment (2017) | |
Bambang Irawan, Gindo Tampubolon, Hasbi Hasibuan (PT. Humusindo) |
B11 | Effects of fertilizer regime and time of planting in the biodiversity enrichment experiment (BEE) in the oil palm landscape (2018) | |
Bambang Irawan, Gindo Tampubolon, Hasbi Hasibuan (PT. Humusindo) |
B11 | Effects of fertilizer regimes and time of planting on biodiversity enrichment experiment of oil-palm landscape (2019) | |
Bambang Irawan, Gindo Tampubolon, Mohd. Zuhdi, Leti Sundawati, Prijanto Pamoengkas, Iskandar Z. Siregar |
B11 | Nucleus tree planting for biodiversity enrichment in second generation of oil-palm landscapes (2019) | |
Jauhar Khabibi, Noor Farikhah, Mark Maraun |
B13 | Characteristic of wood durability and wood destroyer organism in oil palm plantation, rubber plantation and natural forest in Jambi province (2017) | |
Revis Asra, Izu Andry Fijridiyantom, Dinda Riskia Chairunnisa |
B14 | Sex ratio jernang (Daemonorops spp.) in Seko Besar Village, Sarolangun, Jambi (2019) | |
Mirawati Yanita, Zulkifli Alamsyah, Ernawati Hamid |
C01 | The impact of the rubber auction market on the transmission price for farmers in Jambi Province (2017) | |
Mirawati Yanita, Zulkifli Alamsyah, Ernawati Hamid |
C01 | Analysis of rubber price differences in Jambi Province (2018) | |
Mirawati Yanita, Zulkifli Alamsyah, Ernawati Hamid |
C01 | Study of rubber material (Bokar) processing and quality for smallholders in Jambi Province (2019) | |
Rosyani, Rukayah Rofiq |
C02 | Independent smallholder strategies to sustain the roundtable on sustainable palm oil (RSPO) certification. Oil palm smallholder group association Tanjung Sehati (Gapoktan), Merangin District, Province of Jambi, Sumatera, Indonesia (2017) | |
Rosyani, Fuad Muchlis, Dompak Napitupulu |
C02 | Gotong Royong (Cooperation) transformation of rural communities In Jambi Province (2018) | |
Rosyani, Fuad Muchlis, Muhamad Azis |
C02 | Smallholders’ perception of “Plot Scale” treatment in oil palm plantations of rural communities in Jambi Province (2019) | |
Edison, Ira Wahyuni |
C08 | Financial feasibility study of smallholder oil palm in Sungai Bahar sub-district Muaro, Jambi District, Jambi Province (2017) | |
Edison, Ira Wahyuni |
C08 | The effect of land conversion on smallholder palm oil production and income in Geragai Sub-District, Tanjab Timur District, Jambi Province (2018) | |
Edison, Ira Wahyuni |
C08 | The effect of land typologies on smallholders’ palm oil palm profit in Jambi Province (2019) | |
Revis Asra, Joko Ridho Witono (LIPI), Elva Gemita (PT REKI) |
Z01 | Conservation of Dragon’s Blood Palm (Daemonorops spp.) in Harapan Rainforest, Jambi (2017) | |
Zulkarnain (UNJA), Elis Kartika, Lizawati Lizawati (PTPN VI) |
Z01 | Investigation on the micropropagation of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) by somatic embryogenesis (2018) | |
Upik Yelianti (UNJA), Elva Gemita (PT REKI) |
Z01 | Inventory and conservation of indigenous orchids in the Harapan Rainforest, Jambi province (2017) |
ABS - Research Projects at UNTAD & Universitas Brawijaya | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Syahrul Kurniawan | A05 | Nutrient release from decomposition of oil palm empty fruit bunch (2017) | |
Sri Rahayu Utami | A05 | Macronutrient release from oil palm empty fruit bunch (2017) | |
Nur Edy | B07 | Rot disease caused by Ganoderma in land use change of Sumatra (2017) | |
Nur Edy | B07 | The virulence of Ganoderma among tropical lowland transformation systems in Sumatra (2018) |
ABS - Research Projects at LIPI | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Atit Kanti, Siti Meliah |
B02 | Study on soil myxobacteria diversity in lowland rainforest and converted rainforest in Jambi, Indonesia (2018) | |
Sri Rahayu | Z01 | Conservation of HOYA species in Jambi by means of ex situ conservation and public awarenes (2017) |
ABS - Research Projects at TNBD | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Peri Hermansyah | Z01 | Conflict resolution after encroachment on the Bukit Duabelas National Park Pematang Kabau village, Air Hitam Sub-District-Sarolangun-Jambi (2017) | |
Asri Buliyansih, Asep Agus Fitria |
Z01 | Identification of the bioactive compounds of medicinal herbs in Bukit Duabelas National Park (Part I) (2017) | |
Asri Buliyansih, Asep Agus Fitria |
Z01 | Identification of the bioactive compounds of medicinal herbs in Bukit Duabelas National Park (Part II) (2018) | |
Asri Buliyansih, Asep Agus Fitria |
Z01 | Compilation of Orang Rimba language dictionary: Revised edition (2019) | |
Jimmy Marpaung | Z01 | The potential of high economic value of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) utilized by Orang Rimba in Bukit 12 National Park (Case Studies: Tumenggung Grip Group, Tumenggung Bebayang Group and Tumenggung Bepayung Group (2019) |
ABS - Research Projects at PTPN VI | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Zulkarnain (UNJA), Elis Kartika, Lizawati Lizawati (PTPN VI) |
Z01 | Investigation on the micropropagation of oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) by somatic embryogenesis (2018) |
ABS - Research Projects at PT REKI | |||
Name | Counterpart | Title | File |
Jomi Suhendri, Elva Gemita |
Z01 | Improving the utilization of homegardens of the Bathin Sembilan Tribe in The Harapan Rainforest for a better food security status (2017) | |
Upik Yelianti (UNJA), Dewi Komariah (PT REKI) |
Z01 | Conservation by tissue culture techniques of Cymbidium orchids (2018) | |
Elva Gemita, Erwanda Trio Bintansabri, Fadlurrahman |
Z01 | Conserving sumatran elephant through community conservation education (2019) |
Workshops in Phase 2
Half-day Z01 / ABS workshop at UNJA: EFForTS management at UNJA summarized major activities.
Counterparts and stakeholders presented outcomes of ABS research projects conducted in 2018. The workshop was rounded off by a social get-together and fast breaking – field assistants, office staff, counterparts.
A one-day ABS workshop took place on 20 March 2018 at IPB. The rector of IPB, Prof. Arif Satria, opened the workshop. About 15 counterparts presented their research work.
On March 20 2018, UNJA hosted a half-day ABS symposium that discussed the results and outcomes of the ABS research projects of counterparts and stakeholders that have been funded by EFForTS. The symposium was opened by Prof. Dodik Ridho Nurrochmat (speaker of the Indonesian University Consortium, Vice rector for Collaboration and System Information, IPB) and by Prof. Stefan Scheu (speaker of EFForTS, University of Göttingen). About 60 people attended the symposium.

Training workshop for PT-REKI on "Report Writing"
Eddy Pahar Harapap, Albertus Sinaga, Andiopenta, Prianto and Hilman Yusra from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at UNJA gave a one-week training course for 25 staff members from REKI on how to write business / scientific reports.
The workshop was carried out in the framework of capacity building / ABS measures for stakeholders, and was funded by EFForTS – Göttingen.

EFForTS-UNJA organised a half-day working group meeting with local stakeholders and counterparts to exchange the major outcomes of Phase 1 and the planned activities of Phase 2.
About 60 representatives participated in the meeting: National Park Bukit Duabelas, PT. REKI, PT. Humusindo Makmur Sejati, PTPN VI, the police departments from Jambi city & Batanghari region, the University of Batanghari, from the Agricultural Quarantine of Jambi province & the Batanghari region, BAPPEDA of the Batanghari region, PT. Djambi Waras – a rubber factory, the Balai Pengkajian Teknologi Pertanian (BPTP), and counterparts and researchers / lecturers from the University of Jambi.
The meeting was opened by Prof. Zulkifli Alamsyah and Dr. Bambang Irawan. Speakers of group A (Prof. Damris Muhammad), group B (Dr. Upik Yelianti) and group C (Dr. Rosyani) presented the scientific outcomes.