European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE) 14th Congress

The IARD students from left to right: Pamela Velasco (Bolivia) and Andrea Juarez (Honduras).
From the 26th to the 28th of August two IARD students participated in the EAAE (European Association of Agricultural Economists) 14th Congress in Ljubljana, Slovenia. The participation pf the IARD students in this internationally and scientifically acclaimed event was possible thanks to DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauch Dienst) sponsorship.
The agenda of the congress consisted of different plenary sessions, organized sessions (with a mediator), contributed sessions, poster presentations and study tours. Equally frequent were the opportunities for networking that included various social activities.
The following is a summary highlighting the main activities the IARD students took part in:
Tuesday 26th August 2014

Mr. Janez Potocnik during his presentation at the EAAE 2014 Congress.

Welcome reception evoking the ancient roman city of Emona.

The welcome reception was an excellent chance for initial networking.
Wednesday 27th August 2014

In the picture above, Dr. Sebastian Lakner presenting the results from a study he carried out with some of his colleagues including past IARD student M.Sc. Thelma Brenes.

A shot from Ljubljana city. Author: S. Lakner, 2014.
Thursday 28th August 2014

Above, a moment between the participants visiting the KRKA Cooperative. Credits: EAAE Congress 2014 photos.

The representatives of KRKA Cooperative before beginning their presentation.

Greenhouse belonging to one of the KRKA Cooperative members.
The students were utterly satisfied with their participation in this event. Their impressions and opinions are on the left side of this page.